

January 21, 2021 10:22 AM


Discipline has a very important place in yoga. Discipline gives us divine protection. The five Yams include Ahimsa (not to commit any form of violence), Satya (truth), Astaya (not stealing), Brahmacharya (character) and Aparigraha (not hoarding). 

The five Niyamas include Shauch (purity), Santosh (contentment), tapa (self-control) and tolerance (penance), swadhyaya (self-knowledge) and Ishwar Pranidhana (devotion to God).

It is necessary for a seeker entering Yoga to take steps on the practice of self-well-being as well as obtain knowledge of Yama-rules. Understand them, think, contemplate and try to put them into practice. Both of Yama-niyam's achievements are extraordinary. Maharishi Patanjali has told in his Yoga philosophy that the practice of these ten gives important riddhi-siddhis.

Let's understand the first five Yamas.

Yama (Internal Discipline):

*Ahimsa (Non-Violence): Non-violence has two types, major and subtle. Ahimsa means not to kill, neither to torture, not to grieve. Such acts by which one is subjected to physical or mental hardship is called violence, so doing them is disastrous for a non-violent observer, in addition to killing someone, speaking sarcasm, grieving the heart, torturing them. Non- violence is the only way to avoid violence.

*Satya (Truth): The observance of truth by the mind, word and deed and renunciation of falsehood is the truth. In fact, the ritual of truth is necessary for true thinking, statement and action. It is true to hold the knowledge of that object in the form in which an object is revealed or as it has been known by reason or inference or known to the authorities and to tell others in the same form. For others, beneficence is the ultimate and true enlightening knowledge. Here, not only is the abandonment of false words accepted, but the unpleasant words are avoided. A great power would come in the pronunciation of a man who never lies, whatever he says becomes true.

*Asteya (Non-Stealing): Asteya literally means not stealing. Desire to acquire another's object is theft by the mind. Do not steal from the body or speech, even from the mind. Simply put, it goes - abducting ownership of another is immovable and its absence is unstoppable.

*Brahmacharya (Character): Brahmacharya means maintenance of mental and physical character. It means to yield to sensual temptation, not to allow the mode of sensual desire to hold your mind. Through the cultivation of Brahmacharya, you are known as the storage of strength, semen gain. The result of being established as Brahmacharya in mind, karma and words is that you make very little effort in meditation and the perception is intensified. If your conduct to remember God is safe for duty and your duty to know Lord Shiva and your Lamas (internal affairs) is safe:

*Aparigraha (Non- Hoarding): Aparigraha means lack of habit of hoarding disease. The more things you accumulate, the more you will be concerned and prejudiced for their protection and care. We should junk all the useless items. Distribute these items to needy people before they decay and become even more useless. The fruit you gain when you are established in a state marked by the absence of hoarding is that you become able to know your past, present and future. It is the power that follows it that does not hoard.

Niyama (External discipline)

*Shauch (Purity): It means cleanliness, the essence of purity; Purity of body, mind and tongue. It is necessary to keep the body clean for the consciousness of God. The mind should clean and purify all the wretched and impure thoughts. By the sanctity of speech, I mean that the words you speak should not be harsh or hurt. You should always tell the truth. Be nice and polite with your words and actions. The fruit that is obtained by maintaining purity of body, mind and karma is that your liking for your body and external beauty will decrease. This turn will inspire you towards attaining God.

*Santosh (Contentment): Contentment means real satisfaction. You should be satisfied with everything you have. You should take whatever you have as a gift from God. God knows what to give, how much to give and how to give.

*Tapa (Self-Control and tolerance): It means to perform your duty according to your ability and circumstances, even if you face difficulties. It is my advice that you do not eat yourself full of extra food. You should leave your stomach a little empty. This will keep your body and your mind will remain alert and alert. This world crushes the dust under its feet, but the seeker of truth should also be humble with dust. Be tolerant.

The observance of truth by the mind, word and deed and renunciation of falsehood is the truth. In fact, the ritual of truth is necessary for true thinking, statement and action. It is true to hold the knowledge of that object in the form in which an object is revealed or as it has been known by reason or inference or known to the authorities and to tell others in the same form. For others, beneficence is the ultimate and true enlightening knowledge. Here, not only is the abandonment of false words accepted, but the unpleasant words are avoided. A great power would come in the pronunciation of a man who never lies, whatever he says becomes true.

Forgive someone who does something bad to you. You will feel a lot of peace and thus earn more praise, not by yelling at him or paying him back in your own coin. This self-control is the real penance and the essence of patience and long-suffering. Without this you Can not concentrate. The fruit that comes from practising self-control and tolerance is that through it, the impurities present in your body and organs are removed and you are filled with strength.

*Swadhyaya (Self-knowing): You should devote your time to study and reflect on the scriptures like Bhagavad Gita. You should try to know yourself by understanding yourself. Introspect and try to correct your mistakes. You have to stop every kind of gossip. Do not speak ill of anyone. The fruit that comes from the constant effort of self-knowledge through constant study of scriptures is that the God you want (God the God) will shine before you. It does not need to appear and manifest itself in your physical form. Even those who see God Shiva in their dreams are highly fortunate and blessed souls.

*Ishwar Pranidhana (Devotion to God): This is the last and supreme niyam. It means love and devotion to God. If you pray to God and are devoted to him, it is not possible for you to ignore him. He will reveal himself to you and purify you with his magnificent eighteen arms that will help you enter the realm of God-consciousness. Through devotion to Lord Shiva, samadhi is attained spontaneously. Dedication to God must be complete where both body and mind have to surrender to the will of God.


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