Tempt India, a premium lifestyle, and consumer electronics company, today announced that it plans to set up a new benchmark by increasing its presence in 10,000 retail stores by the end of September. With this announcement, Tempt will now be present across India symbolizing the brand’s commitment to its consumers.
Commenting on the milestone, Gaurav Khetterpal, co-founder at Tempt India said, “Being a consumer-first brand, we are committed to expanding our reach across the country, making our products available to our customers in the convenience of their hometowns, and enabling ourselves to serve them better through multiple touch points. We are confident that we will significantly increase not only our offline retail presence but will help prospective to be able to purchase our products easily.”
He also added, “As a brand, we have always worked towards bringing innovation for everyone, and with this announcement, Tempt will now be present across India.”
With the plan to double the offline presence, the brand aims to democratize access to technology for everyone and enable users to explore & buy products with the brand’s well-recognized characteristics of best specs, highest quality, and honest pricing.
Currently, Tempt has products under numerous categories and is offering a vast array of products such as TWS, Neckbands, Smart Watches, Wireless Chargers, Adaptors, Cables, Wired Earphones, and Bluetooth Speakers on both offline and online platforms like Amazon and Flipkart.