The team of Haryana Anti-Corruption Bureau Kaithal on Wednesday arrested Roshan Lal, an inspector of the cooperative society working in Kalayat, red-handed while accepting a bribe of Rs. 100,000.
The Anti Corruption Bureau team received information that Inspector Roshan Lal working in Cooperative Society Kalayat is demanding a bribe of Rs. 100,000 in lieu of preparing the audit report in favor of the complainant. Based on the information received, the team laid a trap and arrested Roshan Lal red-handed while accepting a bribe of Rs.100,000. This entire action was conducted impartially with complete transparency before the witnesses.
In this case, a case has been registered against the accused in the Anti-Corruption Bureau Police Station of Ambala and he has been arrested. An investigation is being conducted by the Anti Corruption Bureau team gathering all the necessary evidence.