Police achieved a major success when the police team constituted under the directions of W/SSPMs. KanwardeepKaur, IPS and W/SP City Sh. Mridul, IPS, and under the supervision of Sh. Charanjit Singh Virk, SDPO/South West, & Inspector ChiranjiLalSHO/PS Sector-39, comprising of ASI Kulwant Singh 15/CP, Const Kuldeep Singh, Const Parveen& Const Neerajhas worked out the sensational case of Robbery i.e. FIR No. 103 dated 25.6.2024 U/s 341,392,34-IPC added 411-IPC registered in Police Station Sector-39, Chd
The guidelines/directions followed by the team resulted police party of police station Sector-39, Chandigarh to nab the accused & workout the above sensational case, which was registered vide FIR No. 103 dated 25.6.2024 U/s 341,392,34-IPC added 411-IPC PS-39, Chd
This case was registered on the complaint of Sh Sunil Kumar in which he reported that on 24.06.24 at 9:15 PM, he was returning to his home after completion of his work from Mohali & when he reached at dividing road Sector-40/55, opposite Petrol Pump Sec 55, in the mean time youngsters came on bike and snatched his bike splendor plus,no. CH-01-CE-4241 along with mobile phone make Vivo Y-200 Gold colour and fled away from the spot.
During the course of investigation, accused Sagar @ Lucky S/o ShKhushdev Singh R/o #925/20, Sector-126, Nazar Road, Mundi Kharar SAS Nagar Mohali PB Age-26 years & Mandeep Singh S/o ShHarjinder Singh R/o Vill-SandalpurTeh-Batala P.O ChahalKalan, Distt-Gurdaspur PB Age-30 years have been arrested on Friday and case property i.e. Splendor Motor Cycle & Gold Colour Mobile Phone make VIVO Y-200 have been recovered from their possession
During the course of investigation, accused Sagar @ Lucky S/o ShKhushdev Singh R/o #925/20, Sector-126, Nazar Road, Mundi Kharar SAS Nagar Mohali PB Age-26 years & Mandeep Singh S/o ShHarjinder Singh R/o Vill-SandalpurTeh-Batala P.O ChahalKalan, Distt-Gurdaspur PB Age-30 years have been arrested on Friday and case property i.e. Splendor Motor Cycle & Gold Colour Mobile Phone make VIVO Y-200 have been recovered from their possession
KNOW THE ACCUSED: Sagar @ Lucky S/o Kushdev Singh, Mother-House wife R/o House No. 925/20, Sector-126, Kharar Mohali Age- 26 years, 7th Pass, 1-Brothers
Mandeep Singh S/o Harjinder Singh (Retired from Indian Army)Mother House wife R/o Vill-Sandalpur, Teh-BatalaGurdaspurPB Age-30 years, 10th Pass, 1-Brother, 1-Sisters