Haryana players continue to shine at the 37th National Games in Goa, winning three gold and four bronze medals in wrestling, one gold, one silver, and one bronze medal on the first day of the cycling track event, and a bronze medal in men's tennis for the first time.
In wrestling, Manisha in the 62kg category, Ritika Hooda in the 76kg category, and Pravesh in the 130kg category won gold medals. While Anil in the 67kg category, Udit in the 57kg category, and Vicky and Praveen Chahar in the 97kg category won bronze medals.
In taekwondo, Sonam Rawal won gold in the under-57kg category, and Aman won bronze in the under-68kg category. Geeta, Ritu, and Priya also won bronze medals.
In cycling, Meenakshi won gold on the first day of the track event, while Anil won silver and Manjeet won bronze.
Haryana's Gatka team is also expected to bring medals, with Sunidhi advancing to the semi-finals of the individual category after defeating Goa 53-47. Her next match is against Punjab. Khushwinder Singh and Jaiwinder Singh are also contenders for medals.
Haryana Gatka Association Secretary, Sardar Swaran Singh expressed happiness over the facilities provided to the players by the state government and the Haryana Olympic Association. He said that sports and players are being continuously promoted in Haryana, and the state government has started various schemes for players. Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal is also committed to sports and is constantly taking decisions in the interest of players.