

November 19, 2023 05:44 PM



Mr.Prem Rawat, who came to give the message of peace, addressed a huge audience at the Exhibition Ground, Sector 34B, Chandigarh. Peace will not be achieved by just saying peace. Peace is the real need of human beings, and it is very important for us to fulfill this need.

 Thousands of people from Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, and other parts of the country participated in the event. Apart from this, more than 100 differently abled students who cannot speak or hear also attended the event with their translator.

Mr.Prem Rawat said that the infinite is everywhere, which means it is also within you. Your source of joy is inside of you. If you have taken a sip of the ocean of joy within you, that means you have tasted the whole infinite. This is the message of Prem Rawat: that peace is the basic need of every human being. Peace is possible for every human being. The day you will be grateful for every breath, that day you will learn to live your life.

Whatever is happening in the world today is the result of being dissatisfied from within. The end of all this is possible only when humans adapt to humanity.

By many government and academic institutes Mr. Prem Rawat has been honored with the title of ambassador of peace. He continuously provides inspiration to the listeners all over the world. In 2012, he was honored with the Life Time Achievement Award by Asia Pacific Brand Laureate. He is invited every year to address events internationally. Many prestigious institutions like the European Parliament, United Nation, United Kingdom, Australia and Italy's Parliament and many universities like Harvard and Oxford University, IIT Delhi, Infosys, Indian School of Business Hyderabad etc. are included.

For his recently published book Swayam Ki Awaaz, He is the holder of Guineeses book of world record. It's English version Hear Yourself was The New York Times best seller book.

By many government and academic institutes Mr. Prem Rawat has been honored with the title of ambassador of peace. He continuously provides inspiration to the listeners all over the world. In 2012, he was honored with the Life Time Achievement Award by Asia Pacific Brand Laureate. He is invited every year to address events internationally. Many prestigious institutions like the European Parliament, United Nation, United Kingdom, Australia and Italy's Parliament and many universities like Harvard and Oxford University, IIT Delhi, Infosys, Indian School of Business Hyderabad etc. are included.

He has also conducted programmes in many Jails with the aim of improving the lives of prisoners and reducing crime, like Tihar Jail in Delhi, Nari Bandi Niketan in Lucknow, Cherlapally Central Jail in Hyderabad, Yerawada Central Jail in Pune, etc.

The Prem Rawat Foundation, established by him, is helping the most needy people in the world. The Ranchi Food for People programme is a campaign in which healthy food is given to children and sick people. This programme is currently running in India, Nepal, and Ghana (West Africa). The Foundation is also conducting a peace education program, which has positively changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

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