The Haryana Staff Selection Commission Chairman, Sh. Himmat Singh said that after the Physical Measurement Test (PMT) conducted for 5,000 male constable (general duty) posts in the Haryana Police, the Physical Screening Test (PST) program has now been scheduled.
He said that the Registration Numbers of candidates who have passed the PMT are available on the official website of the Commission i.e. www.hssc.gov.in. He also appealed to candidates to regularly check their schedule and program.
Sh. Himmat Singh further said that after the PST for male constables, the PST schedule for 1,000 female constables will be issued. He said that the recruitment process is underway for a total of 6,000 constable posts (both male and female) in the Haryana Police. The final results will be declared after completing the PST and other procedures.