Sh. Yogesh Bahadur Khurania, IPS took over the charge of Special Director General, Border Security Force, Western Command, Chandigarh on Monday. He has been posted from Force Headquarters BSF New Delhi, where he was holding appointment as Special DG (Operations).
Sh Y B Khurania, IPS is 1990 Batch Odisha Cadre Officer. He served as Superintendent of Police of Rourkela, Mayurbhanj, Ganjam and several other districts. On promotion to the rank of DIG/IG, he served as range DIG/IG of Bhubaneswar Range, Southern Range Berhampur and Northern Range Sambalpur. Besides he served as IG Operations, Police Commissioner Bhubaneswar, Cuttack and Special Director State Vigilance.
The Officer joined BSF in the year 2018 on deputation. During his tenure in BSF, he has served as IG Frontier HQ, South Bengal, IG (Personnel) at Force Headquarters, Additional DG BSF Eastern Command Kolkata and Special DG Operations at Force Headquarters, New Delhi.
Shri Y B Khurania, IPS/SDG has received many decorations during his service such as Governor’s Medal, Police Medal for Meritorious Service, President’s Police Medal for Distinguished Service, Ati Utkrisht Seva Medal and Police Antrik Suraksha Seva Padak.